Wednesday 26/06/2024 - 🏠15,000 New Houses by 2025

⏱️ 5 - 6 minute read

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Today we explore significant developments including the largest judicial appointment in our history and strategic economic expansions in housing and infrastructure that promise to reshape Guyana's growth trajectory.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"No matter how long the night, the day is sure to come." - African

Meaning: Difficult times are temporary, instilling hope and perseverance in business ventures during tough phases.

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Revitalization of Rusal Bauxite Operations in Berbice River

Efforts to restart the operations of Rusal’s Bauxite Company of Guyana Incorporated (BCGI) are intensifying, as the government seeks to revitalize the local bauxite industry, which had seen a significant downturn. Rusal, which ceased its operations in 2020 amid industrial unrest, is in talks with the administration to potentially reopen its operations in the Berbice River area. This move could lead to increased production and expansion of the bauxite industry, pivotal for the economic development in the region. Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, highlighted ongoing discussions with multiple companies to resume production, reflecting a proactive government strategy to boost the mining sector and leverage Guyana's rich bauxite deposits.

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Major Housing Development in Guyana’s Region Three 

President Irfaan Ali has announced the ambitious development of 15,000 house lots in Region Three (Essequibo Island-Western Demerara) by 2025, underscoring a major push towards modernization and economic growth in the area. This initiative is part of a broader plan that includes several mega projects like the Schoonord to Crane highway and the construction of Guyana’s first artificial island. These developments represent a strategic expansion of the housing and infrastructure sectors in one of the country's fastest-growing regions, poised to significantly attract private investment and enhance the local economy.

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Agricultural Advancements for Santa Aratack Community

In a significant move towards boosting agricultural productivity, President Irfaan Ali has unveiled initiatives aimed at transforming Santa Aratack, an indigenous community, into a vibrant agricultural hub. The government will provide resources including bee hives for honey production and numerous plants for cultivation, complemented by essential agricultural equipment. These efforts are geared towards not only increasing local production but also enhancing the community's economic self-sufficiency, potentially setting a model for rural development in Guyana.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

For Small Enterprises:

  1. GBV Mobile Remote Unit Services:

    • Opportunity: Small businesses can collaborate with the Human Services and Social Security Ministry to provide logistical support, supplies, or specialized services such as trauma counseling, legal aid, and medical supplies for the Gender-Based Violence Mobile Remote Units.

    • Notes: Engaging with social causes not only helps build a positive brand image but can also open doors for government and NGO partnerships.

  2. Support Services for Bauxite Operations:

    • Opportunity: With discussions to restart Rusal’s bauxite operations, local entrepreneurs could offer support services such as transportation, accommodation, food services, and equipment rental to the workforce in the Berbice River area.

    • Notes: Building a network with larger companies and government bodies involved can provide stability and regular business.

For Medium Enterprises:

  1. Housing Development Projects:

    • Opportunity: Medium-sized construction and real estate development firms can capitalize on the initiative to develop 15,000 house lots in Region Three by engaging in construction contracts, providing building materials, or developing community amenities.

    • Notes: This project will require a substantial investment in resources and manpower but offers a high potential return and steady revenue over time.

  2. Power Infrastructure Maintenance and Services:

    • Opportunity: Engineering and technical service firms can offer maintenance, repair, and operational services to GPL as they expand and stabilize the power grid with the new power ship addition.

    • Notes: Companies specializing in energy and infrastructure can find long-term contracts and opportunities for growth in a sector critical to national development.

For Large Enterprises:

  1. Investment in Major Infrastructure:

    • Opportunity: Large firms can invest in or lead the construction of significant projects like the artificial island, new Demerara River Crossing, and the highway from Schoonord to Crane. These projects require substantial capital and expertise but are pivotal for economic development.

    • Notes: These projects will likely offer substantial returns on investment due to their scale and the government's push for modernization and economic growth.

  2. Strategic Partnerships for Bauxite and Mining:

    • Opportunity: Large enterprises can seek joint ventures or partnerships for the mining and exportation of bauxite, especially with the potential reopening of Rusal’s operations and the development of new mining sites.

    • Notes: Such partnerships might include investment in infrastructure, technology transfer, and adherence to environmental standards, aligning with global best practices and sustainability goals.

Cross-Cutting Opportunities:

  • Telecommunications and Tech Solutions: All enterprises can explore providing innovative tech solutions such as mobile apps or platforms for real-time data management, communication, and logistics, particularly useful in areas like the GBV units or mining operations.

  • Renewable Energy Solutions: Businesses of all sizes could develop or invest in renewable energy solutions to support the increasing demand for energy, especially in new development areas and mining operations, aligning with global trends towards sustainability.

Final Thoughts:

The opportunities listed above require a nuanced understanding of the local economic landscape, regulatory environment, and potential risk factors. Small and medium enterprises should focus on building resilience and adaptability into their business models, while large enterprises should leverage their resources for substantial infrastructural investments that align with the government's developmental priorities.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Local Construction and Repair Services

  • Overview: With the government’s plan to develop 15,000 house lots and other large-scale infrastructure projects, there is a clear demand for local construction and repair services. Individuals can offer small-scale construction, repair, or renovation services tailored to both new developments and existing structures needing upgrades.

  • Value Proposition: Provides essential services in a booming construction market. Offers flexibility as most construction work can be scheduled around other job commitments.

  • Required Investment: Moderate; involves purchasing basic construction tools and materials. Potential for partnership with hardware stores for supplies on credit or discounts.

2. Eco-Tourism and Cultural Experience Packages

  • Overview: As development increases, so does the potential for tourism, particularly eco-tourism given Guyana's rich natural habitats and cultural heritage. Individuals can create and market weekend eco-tours or cultural experiences for tourists and locals, including guided tours, cultural showcases, and nature expeditions.

  • Value Proposition: Leverages Guyana's natural and cultural assets, providing an authentic experience to tourists and locals. Supports sustainable practices and promotes cultural heritage.

  • Required Investment: Low to moderate; mainly involves marketing costs and potential transportation if not using tourists' transport. Collaboration with local artisans and other cultural practitioners can enhance the offerings.

3. Freelance Digital Services for New Businesses

  • Overview: With the economic boom, many new businesses are emerging, needing various digital services, including web development, digital marketing, graphic design, and social media management. Offering these services as a freelancer can cater to this growing demand.

  • Value Proposition: Capitalizes on the digital transformation in business operations. Services can be rendered remotely, making this a flexible side hustle option.

  • Required Investment: Minimal; primarily requires a reliable internet connection and a computer. Free or low-cost online tools and platforms can be used to perform most tasks.

Key Considerations:

  • Scalability: Each of these side hustles offers potential scalability. For example, construction and repair services can evolve into a full-scale contractor business, eco-tourism experiences can expand with more offerings or partnerships, and freelance digital services can grow into a digital agency.

  • Market Needs: These ideas align closely with current economic developments in Guyana and are responsive to the needs of both the local population and the burgeoning number of expatriates and tourists.

  • Flexibility: Designed to be manageable alongside a full-time job, these side hustles can also provide meaningful income without requiring a full-time commitment.

These side hustles are not only feasible given the local economic and developmental context but also provide high value by tapping into burgeoning sectors of the Guyanese economy.


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