Tuesday 11/06/2024 - 🌊US$45M Opportunity in Coastal Development

In Partnership With

Edward B. Beharry & Co. Ltd.

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Today's newsletter explores crucial business opportunities and infrastructure developments reshaping Guyana's dynamic economic landscape.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"Gold does not rust on the ground, and rocks don't get soaked in the rain." - Turkish

Meaning: True quality withstands adversity, a reminder to businesses about the resilience of good products and sound investments.

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CA$10M Climate-Smart Agriculture Project for Caribbean 

The Regional Gender-Responsive Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems project was launched with CA$10 million funding from the Government of Canada. This initiative, running from 2024 to 2028, aims to enhance the resilience of Caribbean farmers, including those in Guyana, to climate impacts and promote economic growth by transforming agricultural value chains to be more climate-smart and gender-responsive. The project involves multiple Caribbean nations and a wide array of local and international partners, including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

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World Bank's $45M Grant to Enhance Guyana's Coastal Resilience 

The World Bank has approved a $45 million project to help Guyana combat climate change and reduce flood risks in coastal areas, impacting around 320,000 people. This Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Project will upgrade critical drainage infrastructure and enhance the country's flood risk management capabilities. This initiative aligns with Guyana's Low-Carbon Development Strategy and includes significant contributions from Norway through the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund.

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$75.8 Million Road Improvement Project in Guyana 

Construction on the US$75.8 million road improvement project from Good Success to Timehri on East Bank Demerara is slated to begin in August 2024. This initiative, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and executed by China Road and Bridge Corporation, aims to alleviate traffic congestion and bolster transportation efficiency. The project includes the rehabilitation of 24 kilometers of road and is expected to enhance road safety through better infrastructure and traffic management systems.

*AI generated artistic representation of the article

Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

Small Enterprises

  1. Airport Services and Retail: The temporary disruption at Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) due to the runway lighting issue suggests a potential need for enhanced airport services. Small enterprises can capitalize on this by offering:

    • Passenger Comfort Services: Mobile charging stations, comfortable seating areas, or premium waiting services.

  2. Local Transport Services: With the expected increase in traffic due to the road improvement project from Good Success to Timehri, small enterprises can explore opportunities in:

    • Ride-Sharing Services: Tailored for airport passengers and workers involved in the road project.

    • Courier and Delivery Services: Especially for delivering construction materials or urgent supplies to the worksites.

Medium Enterprises

  1. Construction and Infrastructure: The road improvement project presents significant opportunities for medium-sized construction firms. These businesses could engage in:

    • Subcontracting Opportunities: Providing specific services like electrical installations, paving, or bridge construction.

    • Material Supply: Medium enterprises with the capability to supply large quantities of construction materials (e.g., cement, gravel, steel) could find substantial contracts.

  2. Professional Services: Given the complexities of large infrastructure projects and airport operations, there's a clear opportunity for:

    • Project Management Services: Offering consultancy on project management and logistics, especially coordinating between various contractors and the government.

    • Safety and Compliance Consulting: With increased scrutiny on occupational safety, companies specializing in OSH compliance could find a growing market.

Large Enterprises

  1. Infrastructure Investment: The significant investment in road infrastructure suggests opportunities for large enterprises in:

    • Capital Investment: Investing in major segments of the infrastructure project or potentially financing future expansions or related infrastructure projects.

    • Public-Private Partnerships: Engaging with the government to manage and maintain stretches of the highway, potentially incorporating toll operations as a revenue model.

  2. Technology and Innovations: The need for high-quality and resilient infrastructure can also open opportunities for companies specializing in:

    • Smart Road Technologies: Implementation of IoT sensors and smart traffic management systems to enhance road usage and safety.

    • Renewable Energy Solutions: Solar-powered street lighting or electric vehicle charging stations along the newly developed roads.

Notes and Additional Thoughts:

  • Sustainability Focus: Businesses should consider how they can incorporate sustainable practices into their offerings, whether through the use of green materials in construction or energy-efficient technologies in transport.

  • Community Engagement: Especially for medium and large enterprises, engaging with local communities will be crucial. This could involve hiring locally or contributing to community development projects, which can also enhance corporate reputation and acceptance.

  • Adaptability and Scalability: Given the dynamic nature of business environments and infrastructure projects, enterprises should maintain flexible business models that allow them to scale up or pivot as needed based on project developments and emerging opportunities.

These tailored strategies can help businesses of various sizes capitalize on the current economic and infrastructural developments in Guyana.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Customized Tour Guide Services

Opportunity Overview: The increase in international attention and expatriates due to the oil industry creates a niche market for personalized tour services.

Side Hustle Concept: Develop a small-scale tour operator service that offers customized tours around Guyana, focusing on less-known attractions or tailored experiences like eco-tours, historical site visits, or even oil field educational tours for those interested in the industry.

Value Proposition: Provides a localized, personalized travel experience that can cater specifically to expatriates, business travelers, and tourists looking for a unique perspective on Guyana beyond the typical tourist paths.

2. Freelance Project Management and Consulting

Opportunity Overview: With significant infrastructure projects underway, there is a demand for skilled project management and consulting, particularly from smaller contractors who might not employ full-time project managers.

Side Hustle Concept: Offer freelance project management services, focusing on construction and infrastructure projects. This could extend to consulting on project planning, safety compliance, and efficient resource management.

Value Proposition: Helps smaller contractors manage projects more effectively, ensuring they can compete with larger firms and comply with international standards required in large-scale projects like road constructions and other public works.

Additional Thoughts:

  • Each of these side hustles can start small and scale up as demand increases.

  • The customized tour guide service could eventually develop into a full-fledged travel agency offering a range of services for business travelers.

  • The freelance project management can grow into a consultancy firm offering a wider array of services as the individual builds a reputation for quality and reliability.

These side hustle ideas are designed to leverage the current economic developments in Guyana, catering to both the growing local and international community involved in the burgeoning sectors of the economy. They offer scalable, flexible opportunities for individuals looking to capitalize on their local knowledge, skills, and entrepreneurial spirit.

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