Thursday 26/09/2024 - 🎓UG Students Offered Oil Internships

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Today, we explore new opportunities in Guyana's booming economy, from energy efficiency consulting to digital agriculture and eco-tourism ventures, perfect for tapping into the country's rapid growth.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." - Bruce Lee (Chinese-American)

Meaning: Openness to all inquiries can provide new insights, whereas dismissing them may lead to missed opportunities, applicable in leadership and customer service.

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Gov’t Plans to Revitalize East Bank Demerara Road

The Guyanese government is undertaking a comprehensive rehabilitation of the East Bank Demerara Public Road, a key artery for the country’s coastland. The project, supported by the Inter-American Development Bank, will address road damage through pothole patching, asphalt overlay, and reconstruction in several key areas. This effort is part of a broader infrastructure strategy to improve road safety and connectivity, with long-term plans to extend the road to the Linden-Soesdyke Highway.

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Japanese Company Offers Internships to University of Guyana Students

MODEC Guyana, a Japanese oil and gas company, has launched its first internship program for University of Guyana students, offering career opportunities in various sectors of the oil and gas industry. Final-year engineering students will also have the chance to train in Singapore. The program, set to begin in January 2025, aligns with Guyana’s local content legislation and aims to develop local talent for the growing energy sector. Successful interns may secure full-time positions, helping to increase skilled employment in the industry.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

1. Small Enterprises (SMEs)

Eco-Tourism & Adventure Experiences

  • Opportunity: With the ongoing efforts to boost tourism in Guyana, there’s a growing market for unique eco-tourism and adventure-based activities, particularly as Guyana positions itself as a premier destination for nature-based travel.

  • Business Idea: Create a business offering guided tours, riverboat cruises, or jungle trekking experiences. Small businesses can capitalize on Guyana’s rich biodiversity by organizing bird-watching tours, waterfall hikes, or fishing expeditions.

  • Consideration: Focus on creating packages that target adventure travelers, leveraging partnerships with local lodges and hotels for customer referrals. Emphasize sustainability in your operations to align with Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy.

Recycling & Waste Management Services

  • Opportunity: With infrastructure projects and urbanization increasing, there’s a growing need for better waste management solutions. Small businesses can focus on providing eco-friendly waste collection, recycling, or upcycling services.

  • Business Idea: Start a recycling business that collects waste from residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, focusing on materials such as plastics, paper, and metals. Offer waste reduction solutions to businesses and provide services such as composting.

  • Consideration: Work with local governments and communities to raise awareness on recycling and partner with companies that need waste disposal solutions. Explore opportunities to export recycled materials to nearby Caribbean or Latin American markets.

Artisan Food Products

  • Opportunity: Guyana's growing population and tourism sector provide an increasing demand for locally made food and beverage products. There is also a market for export, particularly in niche areas like organic or gourmet foods.

  • Business Idea: Launch a small-scale business focused on producing locally sourced food items such as coconut-based snacks, spice blends, or dehydrated tropical fruits. Consider scaling through exports to international markets.

  • Consideration: Focus on high-quality packaging and branding that appeals to both local consumers and tourists. Register with local trade associations and participate in trade shows to build brand recognition.

2. Medium Enterprises (MEs)

Renewable Energy Solutions

  • Opportunity: Guyana’s ongoing infrastructural development, alongside President Ali’s emphasis on energy leadership, opens up space for businesses that can offer solar, wind, and other renewable energy solutions.

  • Business Idea: Establish a company providing renewable energy installations for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Services could range from solar panel installations for homes to large-scale wind turbine projects.

  • Consideration: Focus on government projects, schools, and other public buildings that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and increase energy efficiency. Leverage Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy to seek government partnerships and subsidies.

Construction Materials Manufacturing

  • Opportunity: With major government infrastructure projects like the $15.8 billion Government Office Complex, there is a growing demand for locally produced construction materials to reduce the dependency on imports.

  • Business Idea: Set up a medium-sized manufacturing facility that produces construction materials such as concrete blocks, prefabricated building parts, or insulation materials. This will reduce costs for local developers and allow you to capitalize on growing construction demand.

  • Consideration: Partner with large contractors working on infrastructure projects to secure bulk supply contracts. Explore environmentally friendly materials, such as recycled or sustainable building components, to appeal to government green initiatives.

Technology Solutions for Public Sector Modernization

  • Opportunity: As the government modernizes its infrastructure, especially with the upcoming Government Office Complex, there will be a significant need for IT solutions that improve efficiency and operations.

  • Business Idea: Offer software solutions tailored to public sector needs, such as project management platforms, digital payment solutions, or administrative automation systems. Providing managed IT services for government agencies is another avenue for sustained revenue.

  • Consideration: Position your company as a strategic partner for the digital transformation of government operations. Offer solutions that can streamline government services, such as digitizing public records or automating administrative processes.

3. Large Enterprises (LEs)

Oil and Gas Sector Expansion

  • Opportunity: Guyana’s oil and gas industry is rapidly growing, with significant investment and opportunities for companies that can provide technical services, equipment, or logistics support.

  • Business Idea: Large enterprises could invest in oilfield service companies that provide drilling, logistics, maintenance, or fabrication services to the energy sector. Alternatively, establish a transportation and logistics company that specializes in moving heavy machinery and equipment to offshore locations.

  • Consideration: Secure contracts with large multinational oil companies such as ExxonMobil and ensure that your operations meet the local content regulations in Guyana. Building long-term infrastructure, such as a deepwater port or specialized storage facilities, could also add significant value.

Large-Scale Infrastructure Development

  • Opportunity: Beyond the Government Office Complex, Guyana is in the midst of an infrastructure boom, including plans for new highways, bridges, and energy projects. Large construction firms can bid on these multi-billion dollar projects.

  • Business Idea: Establish or expand a large-scale construction company capable of handling infrastructure projects such as highways, government complexes, and ports. Invest in machinery and labor that allows your company to tackle mega-projects like the new Demerara River Bridge.

  • Consideration: Position your firm to bid for contracts on these large public sector projects. Focus on building partnerships with international contractors to access expertise, technology, and capital if necessary.

Agricultural Processing & Export

  • Opportunity: With Guyana’s strong agricultural base and the growing global demand for organic and ethically sourced food products, there is a ripe opportunity for large-scale agricultural processing and export.

  • Business Idea: Establish a large agribusiness focused on processing and exporting high-demand products such as rice, sugar, coconuts, and other tropical fruits. Processing plants for coconut oil, rice milling, or sugar refining could be highly lucrative given Guyana’s agricultural productivity.

  • Consideration: Explore export markets in North America and Europe, where organic and fair-trade products command a premium. Work with local farmers to build a reliable supply chain, and invest in certifications that enable you to tap into international organic or sustainable food markets.

Real Estate Development in New Urban Centers

  • Opportunity: As housing developments like Silica City take shape, there is significant demand for new residential and commercial real estate.

  • Business Idea: Large enterprises could venture into real estate development, constructing housing projects, commercial spaces, and mixed-use buildings in newly developed urban centers like Silica City.

  • Consideration: Focus on building eco-friendly, smart homes to align with the government’s sustainable development goals. Look into public-private partnerships to fast-track approvals and financing.


Guyana’s rapidly expanding economy, driven by oil, infrastructure, and energy development, provides vast opportunities for businesses at all levels. Small enterprises can focus on eco-tourism, construction services, and waste management, while medium enterprises can explore renewable energy, local manufacturing, and tech solutions. Large enterprises stand to benefit from investments in oil and gas, infrastructure, agriculture, and real estate development. Successful ventures will require close alignment with Guyana’s development goals and regulations, as well as strategic partnerships and a focus on sustainable growth.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Energy Efficiency Consulting for Homes and Small Businesses

  • Opportunity: With Guyana’s push toward becoming a leader in energy production and the government's Low Carbon Development Strategy, there's a growing awareness of the need for energy efficiency.

  • Side Hustle Idea: Start an energy efficiency consulting service where you help homeowners and small businesses reduce their energy costs by recommending efficient appliances, solar installations, or improved insulation. You can also assist in setting up basic solar-powered solutions for off-grid locations or those looking to lower their carbon footprint.

  • Why It Works: Guyana is modernizing rapidly, but energy costs remain a concern. Helping others save on energy costs while promoting sustainable solutions aligns perfectly with the country’s environmental goals. You can start small by offering advice or simple product installations and scale by partnering with solar product suppliers.

  • Potential Earnings: Charge a consultation fee and potentially earn commissions from solar product suppliers or energy-saving devices. Additionally, recurring clients could be secured with seasonal updates or new energy-saving opportunities.

2. Digital Agriculture Monitoring & Crop Sales Platform

  • Opportunity: Agriculture is still a key sector in Guyana, and with tech adoption rising, farmers need better ways to monitor crops and sell directly to buyers, both locally and internationally.

  • Side Hustle Idea: Develop a digital platform (or use existing ones) where local farmers can monitor their crops remotely using sensors and sell their produce directly to consumers or businesses without relying on middlemen. This could be as simple as a WhatsApp group that connects farmers and buyers or a basic website that lists available crops.

  • Why It Works: Farmers in Guyana need to maximize efficiency and profit from better market access. By offering a service that helps farmers monitor conditions such as soil moisture or crop health, you could charge a small fee for the tech or platform usage. Additionally, setting up a marketplace where buyers can purchase produce directly increases your revenue streams.

  • Potential Earnings: Commission-based revenue from sales through your platform and fees for using tech solutions for farm monitoring. Partnerships with agricultural tech providers can also yield additional income.

3. Eco-Friendly Tourism Experiences with a Twist

  • Opportunity: Guyana’s tourism sector is gaining momentum, especially with its rich natural environment and eco-tourism potential. Tourists are looking for unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences.

  • Side Hustle Idea: Organize weekend eco-tourism experiences that offer a mix of adventure and sustainability. For example, you could offer “Eco-Treks” where participants explore the rainforests while learning about Guyana’s biodiversity and sustainability efforts, or even specialized photography tours for nature lovers.

  • Why It Works: Tourists, both local and international, are interested in unique and authentic experiences that promote eco-friendly values. With minimal investment, you can leverage Guyana's natural landscapes and cultural heritage to offer experiences that are in demand.

  • Potential Earnings: You can charge per tour or experience, and since this can be a weekend or evening business, it won’t interfere with a full-time job. Offering premium packages that include local food or partnerships with eco-lodges can further increase revenue.


Each of these side hustle ideas capitalizes on Guyana’s unique mix of an expanding economy, increasing energy demands, and growing interest in sustainability and agriculture. By focusing on high-value, niche services that leverage tech or the environment, individuals can maximize earnings with minimal initial investment, while taking advantage of the country's rapid development. These ideas provide flexibility and scalability, perfect for individuals seeking extra income on the side of their full-time jobs.

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