Thursday 15/08/2024 - 💷BritCham Launch Opens UK For Business

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Today we explore the significant strides in Guyana's economy, featuring the latest in telecommunications, agricultural innovations, and impactful infrastructure developments.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"Don’t measure the depth of the river with both feet." - African

Meaning: It's wise to test the waters before committing fully, advising on risk assessment and caution in business decisions.

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Telephone Number Portability Set for Launch in Guyana

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) of Guyana has announced that telephone number portability will be launched within the year. This feature will allow consumers to switch mobile network providers while retaining their existing phone numbers. Significant advancements have been made in live testing stages among major service providers such as GTT, Digicel, and ENet. The implementation of number portability is seen as a critical step in enhancing consumer choice and fostering competition within the telecom sector in Guyana.

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Local Businesses Eye Opportunities at BritCham Guyana's Launch in London

Approximately 40 Guyanese businesses are gearing up to attend the British Chamber of Commerce Guyana's (BritCham Guyana) official launch in Central London on September 11. This event is poised to open doors for these companies in the United Kingdom, particularly in sectors like Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and agriculture. Companies like GTT, Gafoors, and the Giftland Group are among those seeking to tap into new market opportunities. The launch will facilitate networking and discussions on trade and investment, enhancing the bilateral ties between the UK and Guyana, and potentially leading to significant economic benefits for the participating businesses.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

Small Enterprises

  1. Telecommunications and Digital Services: With the rollout of telephone number portability, small businesses have an opportunity to create value-added services like customer support solutions, mobile apps for number management, and user-friendly platforms to facilitate network switches. Startups could also offer consultation services for individuals and businesses looking to navigate these new options.

  2. Agricultural Innovations: The expansion of shade houses presents an opportunity for small enterprises to engage in the supply of materials or become small-scale contractors for the setup and maintenance of these facilities. Additionally, small enterprises can focus on specialized agricultural production, targeting niche markets that require controlled environment agriculture.

  3. Local Content Development: As Guyana's business landscape expands, particularly through international events like BritCham in London, there's an opportunity for small enterprises specializing in local products and crafts to reach new markets. Preparing products that meet international standards and leveraging e-commerce can open doors to export markets.

Medium Enterprises

  1. ICT and Technology Solutions: The imminent introduction of number portability suggests a growing sophistication in Guyana's ICT infrastructure. Medium enterprises can develop and offer comprehensive IT and cybersecurity services to other businesses adapting to these technological advancements. This can include security solutions tailored to protect customer data during the transition between service providers.

  2. Agri-tech Development: With the advancement of shade houses, medium enterprises can innovate in agri-tech solutions such as climate control systems, irrigation technology, and sustainable farming practices. Developing software and sensors that monitor and manage the microclimates within shade houses could become a lucrative niche.

  3. Training and Development Services: As sectors like telecommunications and agriculture innovate and expand, there's a corresponding need for skilled labor. Medium enterprises could establish training centers or offer online courses to upskill workers in advanced agricultural techniques, digital services, and telecommunications.

Large Enterprises

  1. Infrastructure Development: Large enterprises could invest in the infrastructure development required for the expanding telecommunications and agricultural sectors. This includes building and maintaining physical network infrastructure for the anticipated increase in data flow due to number portability and constructing large-scale shade house facilities.

  2. Strategic Partnerships and Investments: The developments in Guyana's port and logistics sectors, such as the Berbice Deep Water Port, offer substantial investment opportunities for large enterprises. These could take the form of direct investment, partnerships with local firms, or development of ancillary services like logistics and supply chain management.

  3. Export-Driven Business Models: With the increase in agricultural production capacity through shade houses and the expansion of global networking opportunities through platforms like BritCham, large enterprises can focus on creating export-oriented business models. This includes processing local agricultural products for export or developing products and services tailored to international markets.

Notes and Thoughts

  • Sustainability and CSR: Enterprises of all sizes should consider integrating sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility into their business models, especially in sectors like agriculture and infrastructure. This not only ensures compliance with international standards but can also be a significant marketing advantage.

  • Leveraging Government and International Relations: Businesses should stay informed about government initiatives and international agreements that could affect their operations. Participating in government-sponsored events and aligning with national goals can provide strategic advantages.

  • Technology Adoption: Across all enterprise sizes, there is a clear indication that adopting and innovating with technology will be crucial for staying competitive. Investing in technology should be a priority, from basic IT infrastructure to advanced AI and machine learning systems.

These opportunities reflect a dynamic business environment in Guyana where enterprises can grow by aligning with national developments and trends.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Mobile Telecom Consultancy

  • Opportunity: With the implementation of number portability, many consumers may find the process of switching providers while keeping their number confusing or cumbersome.

  • Side Hustle: Start a mobile telecom consultancy service. This service would assist individuals and small businesses in understanding their options, choosing the best service provider for their needs, and managing the transition process. This could extend to optimizing their mobile and data plans to ensure they are getting the best value based on usage patterns.

  • Value Proposition: Provide personalized consultations and conduct workshops or webinars to educate potential customers on the benefits and procedures of number portability. This would not only be convenient for many, but could also save them money, making the consultancy service in high demand.

2. Specialty Crop Cultivation Under Shade Houses

  • Opportunity: The expansion of shade house farming in Guyana opens up opportunities in specialized agricultural production, especially for crops that are not traditionally grown in the open.

  • Side Hustle: Engage in the cultivation of high-value, niche market crops such as gourmet mushrooms, organic herbs, or exotic vegetables that can be grown in a controlled environment. These products generally fetch a higher price on both local and international markets.

  • Value Proposition: Leverage the controlled environment to produce superior quality produce that can be sold at premium prices. Partner with local restaurants, health food stores, and export to Caribbean neighbors. Additionally, offer subscription boxes for specialty produce directly to consumers.

3. Digital Content Creation Focused on Local Business Developments

  • Opportunity: With the economic boom, there's a burgeoning interest locally and globally in Guyana’s development, especially relating to the oil sector, infrastructure projects, and technological advancements.

  • Side Hustle: Start a digital content creation business that produces articles, videos, and podcasts focusing on business developments, entrepreneurial advice, and economic news in Guyana. This content could cater to both a local audience looking to better understand their economy and an international audience interested in investment opportunities.

  • Value Proposition: Position yourself as a key informational resource that helps demystify the economic landscape of Guyana. Monetize through advertising, partnerships with local businesses, sponsored content, and perhaps a paid subscription model for in-depth analytical content.

These side hustles not only cater to immediate market needs but also have the potential for scalability and long-term sustainability as Guyana continues to develop and integrate more deeply into the global market.


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