Sunday 22/09/2024 -🔌Electricity Use Skyrockets to 205MW

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Today we dive into Guyana's booming economy—from major infrastructure and agricultural advancements to surging energy projects—and highlight top business opportunities and side hustles for savvy entrepreneurs. Let's explore the dynamic developments shaping the nation's future.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese

Meaning: It's never too late to start something new or make positive changes, emphasizing the importance of taking action in business ventures without delay.

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Guyana's Electricity Demand Surges, Government Accelerates Energy Projects

Guyana's electricity demand has skyrocketed to 205 megawatts over the past three months, up from approximately 188 MW earlier this year, according to Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips. Speaking at the Amcham Energy Mixer in Georgetown, PM Phillips highlighted the government's proactive measures to meet this growing need. These include securing an additional 36 MW from a Turkish power ship and plans to add 60 more MW before year-end. The ambitious gas-to-energy project, set to deliver 300 MW, is also on the horizon and expected to position Guyana favorably in energy capacity. Savings from this initiative aim to bridge the energy gap between hinterland and coastal regions, with intentions to market surplus energy throughout the Caribbean. As new schools, hospitals, hotels, and housing developments rise, these energy strategies are crucial for supporting the nation's rapid growth.

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$261 Million Pump Station Boosts Rice Production in Region Two

The government has commissioned a GY$261 million pump station in Cozier, Lower Pomeroon, enhancing drainage and irrigation for over 5,000 acres of farmland. Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha highlighted that rice cultivation in Region Two has reached a historic high of 36,027 acres, contributing significantly to the national target of 710,000 metric tonnes for 2024. The new pump station rehabilitates existing structures, installs additional pumps, and upgrades sluice doors to stainless steel. This initiative is part of broader plans to modernize the agriculture sector, including the construction of agro-processing and hydroponic facilities, aligning with the regional goal to reduce the food import bill by 25% by 2025.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

1. Infrastructure and Flood Mitigation Projects in Linden

Opportunity: The government is investing in flood mitigation and long-term drainage planning in Linden.

  • Small Enterprises (SE):

    • Construction Services: Offer local services for clearing drains, repairing culverts, and minor civil works.

    • Waste Management: Provide garbage collection and environmental cleanup services to prevent drainage blockages.

  • Medium Enterprises (ME):

    • Engineering Firms: Bid on contracts for larger drainage and infrastructure projects.

    • Equipment Supply: Supply heavy machinery and materials needed for construction and dredging activities.

  • Large Enterprises (LE):

    • Infrastructure Development: Engage in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for large-scale infrastructure projects.

    • Flood Control Technologies: Introduce advanced flood mitigation solutions like smart drainage systems and flood barriers.

Notes: There is significant government support and funding for these projects. Collaboration with local authorities can lead to long-term contracts and community goodwill.

2. Agricultural Expansion and Modernization in Region Two

Opportunity: Commissioning of a new $261 million pump station in Cozier enhances drainage and irrigation, boosting rice production.

  • Small Enterprises (SE):

    • Agricultural Supplies: Sell seeds, fertilizers, and farming tools to local farmers.

    • Value-Added Products: Produce and market rice-based products like rice flour and snacks.

  • Medium Enterprises (ME):

    • Agro-Processing Facilities: Establish plants to process rice and other crops for local and export markets.

    • Logistics Services: Offer transportation and storage solutions for increased agricultural outputs.

  • Large Enterprises (LE):

    • Export Ventures: Invest in large-scale farming and export rice to international markets.

    • Agritech Investments: Implement modern farming technologies like precision agriculture and automated irrigation.

Notes: Aligning with the government's goal to reduce the food import bill by 25% by 2025 can attract incentives and support.

3. Energy Sector Expansion Due to Rising Electricity Demand

Opportunity: Guyana's electricity demand has surged, prompting acceleration of energy projects including the gas-to-energy initiative.

  • Small Enterprises (SE):

    • Renewable Energy Solutions: Provide solar panel installations and energy-efficient products to households and businesses.

    • Energy Auditing Services: Help clients reduce energy consumption and costs.

  • Medium Enterprises (ME):

    • Electrical Contractors: Offer services for installing and maintaining electrical infrastructure.

    • Manufacturing Components: Produce electrical fixtures and components for the expanding energy sector.

  • Large Enterprises (LE):

    • Power Generation Investments: Invest in large-scale energy projects, including gas-to-energy and renewable energy plants.

    • Smart Grid Development: Implement advanced grid technologies for efficient energy distribution.

Notes: There is a strong governmental push for energy development, presenting opportunities for investment and collaboration. Emphasis on sustainable and renewable energy is likely to gain regulatory support.


These top three opportunities offer significant potential across different enterprise sizes. Businesses can capitalize on government initiatives, contribute to national goals, and foster sustainable economic growth in Guyana.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Solar Energy Installation and Maintenance Services

Opportunity: The surge in electricity demand and the government's acceleration of energy projects highlight a growing need for alternative energy solutions. With initiatives like the gas-to-energy project and a focus on sustainable energy, there's a ripe market for solar energy services.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • What: Provide solar panel installation and maintenance services to homeowners and small businesses.

  • Why High-Value: Solar installations are capital-intensive and command premium pricing. As energy costs rise, more individuals and businesses will invest in solar solutions to reduce long-term expenses.

  • How to Start:

    • Obtain basic training or certification in solar panel installation (many courses are available online or through local institutions).

    • Partner with suppliers of solar equipment to get favorable rates.

    • Market your services through social media, local advertisements, and networking within your community.

Notes: This side hustle leverages the push for renewable energy and can be scheduled on weekends or after regular work hours. It also positions you at the forefront of a growing industry in Guyana.

2. Online Sales of Value-Added Agricultural Products

Opportunity: With the commissioning of the new pump station in Cozier boosting rice production, there's an abundance of agricultural products. The government's focus on modernizing agriculture and adding value aligns with this opportunity.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • What: Create and sell value-added products derived from local agriculture, such as rice-based snacks, gluten-free rice flour, or packaged spices, through online platforms.

  • Why High-Value: Value-added products have higher profit margins than raw commodities. By selling online, you can reach a wider market, including international customers interested in exotic or organic products.

  • How to Start:

    • Identify a niche product that utilizes local agricultural produce.

    • Develop a brand and packaging that appeals to target markets.

    • Use social media, e-commerce platforms, or local online marketplaces to sell products.

    • Ensure compliance with any necessary food safety regulations.

Notes: This side hustle can be managed flexibly and scaled over time. It taps into the growing global demand for unique and organic food products.

3. Event Photography and Videography for High-Profile Events

Opportunity: With events like the President's Cup horse racing and other cultural or sporting events gaining prominence, there's a demand for quality photography and videography services.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • What: Offer professional photography and videography services at major events, corporate functions, and community activities.

  • Why High-Value: High-profile events often have budgets for media coverage, and professionals can charge premium rates. Additionally, capturing iconic moments can lead to sales of prints or digital copies to participants and attendees.

  • How to Start:

    • Invest in a good-quality camera and necessary equipment.

    • Build a portfolio by covering smaller events or offering services at a discounted rate initially.

    • Network with event organizers and promote your services through social media and word-of-mouth.

    • Offer packages that include both photography and videography for added value.

Notes: This side hustle is suitable for individuals with a passion for photography. Events often occur during evenings or weekends, making it compatible with a regular job schedule.


These side hustle ideas are tailored for the dynamic Guyanese economy, leveraging current developments and market needs. They offer high-value returns and are scalable, allowing individuals to start small and grow their ventures over time. By capitalizing on these opportunities, you can augment your income while contributing to Guyana's burgeoning economic landscape.


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