Sunday 07/07/2024 - 🏥Three New Hospitals By 2026

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Today we delve into Guyana's dynamic growth fuelled by its rapidly expanding oil and gas sector, alongside exciting developments in healthcare infrastructure and new business opportunities for local entrepreneurs

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"Don't look at the teeth of a horse you've been given as a gift." - Spanish

Meaning: Do not criticize gifts or free help, a lesson in appreciating what is offered without demanding more, relevant in business partnerships and negotiations.

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Three New Hospitals to Be Completed by Year-End

The Government of Guyana is on track to fulfill its promise of completing six new regional hospitals by early 2025, with three hospitals expected to be operational by the end of this year. Addressing healthcare infrastructure growth, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo pointed out the progress at sites in Regions Four and Five, and highlighted the challenges of staffing these new facilities. The government is exploring international recruitment and promoting local medical training to meet the demand for medical professionals in these upcoming hospitals.

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Chuck E. Cheese to Open at Eccles 

J’s Group of Companies has secured a franchise deal to introduce Chuck E. Cheese to Guyana, enhancing the local entertainment landscape. The new location in Eccles aims to provide a family-friendly venue with a variety of games, shows, and dining options. CEO Jermaine Sripal expressed commitment to creating a safe and memorable environment for family fun, aligning with the global brand’s standards of entertainment and quality dining.

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Government Asserts Robust Monitoring of Oil and Gas Operations 

Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo emphasized the strength of existing systems to monitor Guyana’s burgeoning oil and gas sector. At a press briefing, Jagdeo detailed the sophisticated mechanisms in place that allow for real-time tracking of oil extraction and environmental management. This includes collaboration with ExxonMobil, using advanced technologies like NASA satellites and MAXAR for broader environmental oversight. The government aims to further enhance these capabilities to ensure sustainable and transparent resource management.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

Small Enterprises

  1. Safety and Training Services:

    • Opportunity: With the expansion of the oil and gas sector, there is a growing demand for safety training for new employees and contractors. Small businesses could offer specialized safety training, including emergency response, environmental protection, and health safety standards specific to the oil and gas industry.

    • Note: Collaboration with established training institutes for certification and accreditation could enhance credibility and market reach.

  2. Local Craft and Merchandise:

    • Opportunity: With the introduction of family centers like Chuck E. Cheese and the expansion of tourism through healthcare developments, there's an opportunity for small enterprises to create and sell local crafts and merchandise tailored to families and tourists.

    • Note: Leveraging local cultural elements can create unique products that appeal to both locals and visitors.

Medium Enterprises

  1. Healthcare Staffing Solutions:

    • Opportunity: The completion of three regional hospitals will create a demand for healthcare professionals. Medium-sized enterprises can establish staffing agencies specializing in healthcare to provide trained personnel to these new facilities.

    • Note: Partnerships with educational institutions for pipeline training programs can ensure a steady supply of qualified candidates.

  2. Educational Technology Solutions:

    • Opportunity: With ongoing educational programs like the Republic Bank-sponsored Summer Camp, there is scope for medium enterprises to develop and supply educational technology solutions such as e-learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and educational apps tailored to the Guyanese curriculum.

    • Note: Ensuring alignment with the national educational standards and integrating local educational content will be crucial.

Large Enterprises

  1. Oil and Gas Supply Chain Services:

    • Opportunity: Large enterprises could look into becoming part of the oil and gas supply chain, providing logistics, maintenance, and support services to the operations in Guyana.

    • Note: This would require significant investment in infrastructure and technology but offers substantial returns due to the scale and longevity of oil and gas projects.

  2. Infrastructure Development for Healthcare:

    • Opportunity: The ongoing construction of new hospitals signals significant investment in healthcare infrastructure. Large enterprises could engage in public-private partnerships to develop these facilities, including building specialized wards, digital health services, and sustainable building practices.

    • Note: A focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly construction practices could provide a competitive edge.

Cross-Scale Opportunities

  • Renewable Energy Projects: As the oil and gas sector grows, there is also a parallel need for sustainable energy solutions to balance environmental impacts. Enterprises of all sizes can explore opportunities in solar, wind, and hydro energy projects tailored to community scales or larger grid-connected solutions.

  • Community Health Programs: With new healthcare facilities, there is an opportunity to run community health awareness programs focusing on preventive care, which can be scaled according to community needs and available resources.


These business opportunities are designed to leverage current developments in Guyana's economy, focusing on areas with expected growth due to governmental and private investments. Each enterprise level can find a niche within these developments, ensuring economic benefits are dispersed across different business scales and contribute to overall national development.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Mobile Health Services

Opportunity: As new healthcare facilities are established, there will be a growing need for accessible healthcare services, especially in more remote or underserved areas.

  • Concept: Launch a mobile health clinic service that offers basic health screenings, vaccinations, and wellness check-ups. This service could operate during weekends or after regular work hours, catering to people who cannot visit hospitals or clinics during weekdays.

  • Value Proposition: Enhance community health and provide convenient, timely medical services, which are especially critical in regions with limited healthcare infrastructure.

2. Professional Development Workshops

Opportunity: With the oil and gas sector's expansion and the anticipated growth in various professional fields, there is an increased demand for skilled professionals.

  • Concept: Create and offer workshops and short courses focused on professional development topics such as project management, technical skills for the oil and gas industry, and leadership skills for healthcare professionals.

  • Value Proposition: Equip local workers with the skills needed to advance in their careers or switch roles within these fast-growing sectors, thereby directly tapping into the professional growth driven by economic expansion.

3. Eco-Tourism and Cultural Experiences

Opportunity: The influx of foreign workers and expatriates, along with local and international tourists, presents a unique opportunity to showcase Guyana's rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.

  • Concept: Develop a series of eco-friendly, culturally immersive experiences tailored to small groups. These could include guided tours of local landmarks, wildlife expeditions, and cultural workshops (like local crafts or cooking classes that highlight Guyanese cuisine).

  • Value Proposition: Leverage Guyana's diverse ecosystems and cultural heritage to offer unique, sustainable tourism experiences that cater to an increasingly environmentally conscious visitor base.

Execution Strategy:

  • Mobile Health Services: Partner with local healthcare professionals and leverage mobile technology to schedule visits and manage services. Ensure compliance with health regulations and secure necessary permits.

  • Professional Development Workshops: Collaborate with industry experts and utilize local venues or online platforms to deliver high-quality, certified training sessions. Market these workshops to corporations and individuals in the burgeoning sectors.

  • Eco-Tourism and Cultural Experiences: Work with local communities to create authentic experiences. Promote sustainability and invest in marketing to attract tourists from both within and outside Guyana.

These side hustles not only cater to the expanding economic landscape but also offer scalable opportunities that can start small and grow in scope and revenue as the market demands increase. By focusing on areas such as health, professional training, and tourism, entrepreneurs can build ventures that not only provide additional income but also contribute positively to Guyana's development.


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