Saturday 21/09/2024 - 🌾$261 Million Pump Station Commissioned

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Today we explore Guyana's rapid economic growth—with major developments in energy, infrastructure, and new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to seize in this expanding market.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"A closed mouth catches no flies." - Spanish

Meaning: Sometimes it’s wise to keep quiet and observe, especially in negotiations or sensitive business situations, to avoid potential pitfalls or conflicts.

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20 Companies Shortlisted to Upgrade Guyana's Power Grid

Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. has prequalified 20 companies to upgrade its aging distribution and transmission system, aiming to alleviate persistent power outages despite an annual investment of over US$2.4 million. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo highlighted that the lack of an alternative distribution system is a key issue causing frequent blackouts. The upgrade is part of a broader modernization program costing over $160 million, which includes building substations and a control center ahead of the Gas to Energy (GtE) project slated to generate 300MW of power next year. With electricity demand rising due to new hotels and business expansions, the government is in a "mad rush" to meet energy needs until the GtE project comes online.

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$261 Million Pump Station Boosts Agriculture in Cozier

A new $261 million pump station has been commissioned in Cozier, Lower Pomeroon, Region Two, enhancing drainage and irrigation for approximately 5,000 acres of cash crops. The project involved rehabilitating the existing structure, installing an additional pump, and upgrading sluice doors to stainless steel. Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha stated that this initiative is part of a broader government effort to invest in agricultural infrastructure, including constructing more pump stations and providing excavators to assist farmers. These investments aim to increase agricultural productivity, reduce flooding risks, and support the regional goal of cutting the food import bill by 25% by 2025.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

1. Energy Sector Expansion and Upgrades


  • Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. is set to upgrade its aging distribution and transmission system.

  • 20 companies have been prequalified for a $160 million modernization program.

  • The Gas to Energy (GtE) project will generate 300MW of power next year.

  • Rising electricity demand due to new hotels and business expansions.


Small Enterprises:

  • Alternative Energy Solutions: Supply and install solar panels, inverters, and backup generators for homes and small businesses affected by power outages.

    • Thoughts: With frequent blackouts, there's a growing demand for reliable energy alternatives. SMEs can fill this gap by offering affordable and scalable solutions.

Medium Enterprises:

  • Subcontracting Technical Services: Provide specialized electrical engineering, installation, and maintenance services to larger firms involved in the grid upgrade.

    • Notes: Form partnerships with the 20 shortlisted companies. Emphasize quality and reliability to secure long-term contracts.

Large Enterprises:

  • Investment in Renewable Energy Projects: Develop large-scale renewable energy facilities (solar farms, wind energy) to supplement the national grid.

    • Thoughts: Align with government initiatives for sustainable energy. Opportunities for public-private partnerships and incentives exist.

2. ICT Sector Development and Innovation


  • CARICOM and the National Data Management Authority (NDMA) are addressing gaps in the ICT sector.

  • Focus on creating a Single ICT Space and developing a Regional Digital Agenda.

  • Emphasis on ICT policy, infrastructure, and innovation.


Small Enterprises:

  • Software and App Development: Create localized applications addressing community needs in agriculture, education, and commerce.

    • Notes: There's a niche market for digital solutions tailored to local challenges. Startups can leverage this to gain a foothold in the market.

Medium Enterprises:

  • Cybersecurity Services: Offer security solutions to protect businesses transitioning to digital platforms.

    • Thoughts: As digital adoption increases, so does the need for cybersecurity. Positioning as trusted advisors can build strong client relationships.

Large Enterprises:

  • Infrastructure Investment: Build data centers, expand fiber-optic networks, and develop 5G infrastructure.

    • Notes: Significant capital investment but crucial for supporting a modern digital economy. Potential for regional leadership in ICT infrastructure.

3. Economic Opportunities from the New Demerara River Bridge


  • Construction of the new US$260 million Demerara River Bridge is 67.8% complete.

  • The bridge will enhance connectivity between the East and West Banks of the Demerara River.

  • Expected to boost sectors like agriculture, tourism, construction, and commerce.


Small Enterprises:

  • Retail and Hospitality Ventures: Open shops, restaurants, and guesthouses to serve increased traffic and tourism.

    • Thoughts: Improved accessibility will lead to higher foot traffic. Early establishment can secure prime locations and customer loyalty.

Medium Enterprises:

  • Real Estate Development: Invest in residential and commercial properties near the bridge.

    • Notes: Property values are likely to rise. Mixed-use developments can meet emerging demands from businesses and residents.

Large Enterprises:

  • Industrial Parks and Logistics Hubs: Develop large-scale industrial zones and logistics centers to facilitate trade and manufacturing.

    • Thoughts: Leverage the strategic location for export-oriented industries. Align with government goals for economic diversification and regional trade.

Final Thoughts:

These top opportunities align with Guyana's current developmental priorities and offer substantial potential for growth across different enterprise sizes. Businesses should consider:

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with government agencies, international investors, and local communities to maximize impact.

  • Innovation and Sustainability: Incorporate cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices to stay competitive and meet regulatory standards.

  • Skill Development: Invest in training and development to build a skilled workforce capable of supporting these ventures.

By capitalizing on these sectors, enterprises can not only achieve significant growth but also contribute meaningfully to Guyana's economic transformation.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Home-Based Renewable Energy Solutions Provider


  • Frequent Power Outages: Despite ongoing upgrades, Guyana continues to experience regular blackouts due to an aging power grid.

  • Rising Energy Demand: New hotels and businesses are increasing the strain on the existing power infrastructure.

  • Environmental Awareness: There's a global shift towards renewable energy sources.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • Offer Affordable Renewable Energy Solutions such as solar panel installations, battery storage systems, and energy-efficient appliances to households and small businesses.

Why This is High-Value:

  • Immediate Need: With constant power interruptions, there's a growing demand for reliable alternative energy.

  • Cost Savings: Customers can reduce their electricity bills over time.

  • Sustainability: Supports environmental initiatives and appeals to eco-conscious consumers.

  • Flexibility: Can be managed during evenings and weekends.

Action Steps:

  • Partner with suppliers for affordable renewable energy products.

  • Promote services through social media, community boards, and word-of-mouth.

  • Offer free consultations or energy assessments to attract clients.

2. Digital Skills Training and Consultancy


  • ICT Development Focus: CARICOM and local authorities are addressing gaps in the ICT sector.

  • Economic Diversification: There's a push towards digitization across industries.

  • Skill Shortages: A need for advanced ICT skills, digital literacy, and cybersecurity awareness.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • Provide Training Workshops or Online Courses in areas like basic computer skills, coding, digital marketing, or cybersecurity for individuals and small businesses.

Why This is High-Value:

  • High Demand: As businesses modernize, employees need new digital skills.

  • Low Overhead: Minimal startup costs; can utilize free online platforms.

  • Scalability: Potential to grow into a full-fledged business.

  • Leverage Expertise: Ideal for those with IT or teaching backgrounds.

Action Steps:

  • Identify the most in-demand skills in your community.

  • Develop a curriculum and course materials.

  • Utilize social media and professional networks to market your services.

  • Offer flexible scheduling to accommodate working adults.

3. Farm-to-Table Delivery Service


  • Agricultural Expansion: Region Two reports a record 36,000 acres under cultivation.

  • Supply Chain Gaps: Farmers may struggle to bring produce directly to consumers.

  • Health Consciousness: Growing demand for fresh, organic, and locally sourced foods.

Side Hustle Idea:

  • Launch a Fresh Produce Delivery Service connecting local farmers with urban consumers, delivering boxes of fruits and vegetables directly to customers' homes.

Why This is High-Value:

  • Fills a Market Gap: Bridges the disconnect between rural producers and urban consumers.

  • Convenience Factor: Busy professionals appreciate home delivery services.

  • Community Support: Helps farmers increase their income and reduces food waste.

  • Adaptable Schedule: Deliveries can be planned around your primary job.

Action Steps:

  • Build relationships with local farmers to source produce.

  • Create an online ordering system using social media or a simple website.

  • Develop a delivery route and schedule that maximizes efficiency.

  • Promote subscriptions or weekly boxes for consistent revenue.

Final Thoughts:

These side hustle ideas not only offer the potential for significant extra income but also contribute positively to Guyana's economic growth and community well-being. By addressing current challenges and leveraging the country's development trajectory, individuals can create meaningful and profitable ventures alongside their regular employment.

Tips for Success:

  • Start Small: Begin with a manageable scope to test the market.

  • Quality Service: Focus on providing excellent customer service to build a strong reputation.

  • Network: Use your existing connections and social circles to find your first customers.

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of local developments to adapt and seize new opportunities.

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and take advantage of Guyana's dynamic economic landscape to achieve your financial goals.


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