Sunday 29/09/2024 - 🪙Gov's Plan to Tackle Cost of Living Crisis

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Guyana's economy continues to surge, driven by oil production and a focus on sustainability, as businesses and government ramp up efforts in procurement, eco-tourism, and youth engagement in the energy sector. Discover today's top opportunities and developments.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." 

- Chinese

Meaning: Tackling large projects by starting with small, manageable tasks can lead to success, applicable in project management and strategic planning.

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Government to Spend G$7B to Address Rising Cost of Living

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo revealed that the government has allocated G$7 billion to alleviate the rising cost of living in Guyana. While the details of how the funds will be spent are still under discussion, Jagdeo mentioned that President Irfaan Ali would outline the measures in his upcoming address to the National Assembly. Previous initiatives have included cash grants, pension increases, and subsidies for essential services, all aimed at easing the financial burden on citizens. The new allocation is expected to introduce further interventions to combat inflation and improve citizens' disposable income.

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Jagdeo Pushes Accountability for Procurement Failures

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has called for disciplinary action against procurement officials who fail to follow proper procedures, signalling a zero-tolerance stance on corruption. Jagdeo highlighted cases of negligence, including improper bid evaluations, and emphasized the government's commitment to enforcing procurement rules. He noted that while most public sector projects are implemented effectively, the 5% with issues, such as sole sourcing, will not be overlooked. Jagdeo's firm message reinforces the government's focus on maintaining transparency and accountability in managing the country’s vast public investments.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

Opportunities for Small Enterprises (SEs)

  1. Training and Consulting for Procurement Compliance

    • Opportunity: Given the government's strict stance on procurement compliance and the call for disciplinary action against negligent officials, small enterprises can offer training services for public and private sector employees on how to adhere to the Procurement Act and the Standard Bidding Document.

    • Notes: This could involve organizing workshops or online courses targeted at officials and businesses bidding for government projects.

  2. Eco-Friendly Products and Solutions for the Zoological Park

    • Opportunity: With the refurbishment and biodiversity-focused development of the Guyana Zoological Park, there is room for SEs to supply eco-friendly products, such as biodegradable packaging, reusable water bottles, and promotional items for visitors.

    • Notes: Businesses could also consider small-scale eco-tourism packages that offer guided tours or educational experiences at the zoo.

  3. Youth-Centric Skills Development Programs

    • Opportunity: In response to the GOGEC Youth Forum’s emphasis on integrating young talent into the oil and gas industry, small businesses could offer soft-skills training, coding boot camps, or oil and gas certifications for students and young professionals.

    • Notes: Partnering with educational institutions to provide short-term, affordable courses would be a low-capital, high-impact business model.

  4. Affordable Housing Development Assistance

    • Opportunity: The government is facilitating land allotments in Stewartville-East for homeownership. SEs could provide affordable design and planning services, or offer low-cost materials, furniture, or interior design solutions for first-time homeowners.

    • Notes: This could expand into partnerships with the Ministry of Housing for subsidies or low-interest loans for new homeowners.

Opportunities for Medium Enterprises (MEs)

  1. Technology Solutions for Procurement Auditing

    • Opportunity: MEs can develop or offer software solutions to track, audit, and ensure compliance with procurement processes in line with Jagdeo's call for strict adherence to the Procurement Act.

    • Notes: This could include cloud-based systems for bid evaluations, documentation management, and automated reporting to reduce human errors and corruption risks.

  2. Sustainable Energy and Waste Management Solutions for Zoological Parks

    • Opportunity: The Zoological Park project opens the door for medium enterprises to offer renewable energy solutions (solar panel installation, green power grids) or waste management services for the park’s operations, aligning with its conservation goals.

    • Notes: Developing educational programs on biodiversity or contributing to eco-conscious infrastructure could expand this opportunity further.

  3. Biodiversity-Centered CSR Projects for Oil & Gas Companies

    • Opportunity: MEs can pitch corporate social responsibility (CSR) solutions to large oil & gas firms that are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact, especially given Schlumberger’s contribution to the zoo’s biodiversity efforts.

    • Notes: This could be in the form of sustainable land management or conservation partnerships, creating new business streams in environmental services or research.

  4. Property Development for Residential and Commercial Units

    • Opportunity: With land allotments and ongoing infrastructure development in Stewartville-East and Stewartville-West, MEs can explore property development—offering construction services, building residential complexes, or commercial spaces for small businesses.

    • Notes: The growing population in these regions presents a significant demand for local businesses and community infrastructure.

Opportunities for Large Enterprises (LEs)

  1. Digital Procurement Solutions for Government and Large Institutions

    • Opportunity: Large enterprises can develop and implement end-to-end digital procurement platforms for the government, leveraging technology to enhance transparency, compliance, and efficiency in public sector procurement.

    • Notes: Partnerships with government ministries to build secure, blockchain-based solutions could be a significant opportunity.

  2. Renewable Energy Infrastructure Projects

    • Opportunity: Large enterprises can invest in large-scale renewable energy infrastructure for Guyana, particularly in relation to conservation-focused areas like the Zoological Park or the country’s broader environmental goals outlined by President Ali.

    • Notes: These enterprises could explore carbon credit monetization, a growing field supported by Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy, and take advantage of the nation’s commitment to preserving biodiversity.

  3. Private Partnerships for Urban Development

    • Opportunity: With President Ali’s focus on stronger economic ties and urban development, LEs could invest in urban housing projects, commercial complexes, and infrastructure development under public-private partnerships (PPP), particularly in rapidly growing regions like Stewartville-East.

    • Notes: This could include sustainable housing developments, malls, and industrial parks, capitalizing on the government’s focus on reducing housing backlogs and promoting economic development.

  4. Biodiversity Credits and Carbon Financing Projects

    • Opportunity: Large enterprises in finance, oil, or energy sectors can engage in biodiversity credit markets or carbon financing projects as part of Guyana’s efforts to position itself as a leader in global biodiversity preservation and low-carbon development.

    • Notes: There is a potential for creating biodiversity bonds, debt swaps, and sustainable financing models that can unlock both environmental and economic value.

  5. Offshore Oil and Gas Infrastructure and Services

    • Opportunity: With the oil and gas sector becoming a central pillar of Guyana’s economy, LEs can expand or initiate infrastructure projects for offshore oil exploration and production, offering drilling services, platform construction, or logistics support.

    • Notes: Investments in sustainable oil extraction technologies that minimize environmental damage would align with Guyana’s balanced approach between economic development and environmental preservation.

Key Notes and Considerations

  • Focus on Environmental Sustainability: Across all sectors, businesses should align their offerings with Guyana’s emphasis on biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

  • Collaboration with Government: Given the government’s openness to public-private partnerships (as seen with the zoo enhancement project), businesses at all levels should consider collaborating with ministries or public entities to access funding, infrastructure, or logistical support.

  • Education and Skills Development: The GOGEC forum indicates a strong push towards youth engagement in the oil and gas sector, providing businesses in education and training with a significant market for offering programs tailored to energy sector demands.

This comprehensive analysis reveals that today’s developments provide numerous avenues for enterprises of all sizes to tap into Guyana’s growing economy, especially as it moves towards becoming an oil and gas powerhouse while balancing environmental sustainability.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Eco-Tourism Experiences or Wildlife Photography Tours

  • Opportunity: With the enhancement of the Guyana Zoological Park and growing emphasis on biodiversity, an eco-tourism or wildlife photography side hustle could cater to tourists and locals interested in nature and conservation.

  • How It Works: Partner with the zoo or other conservation projects to offer guided eco-tours or wildlife photography sessions on weekends. You could focus on educating visitors about Guyana’s wildlife while also providing photography services for a fee.

  • Why High Value: Guyana’s biodiversity is globally unique, and there’s growing interest from international visitors. Tapping into eco-tourism while the sector develops can be highly profitable.

2. Training or Consultancy for Oil & Gas Industry Soft Skills

  • Opportunity: With youth engagement being a priority in the oil and gas industry, professionals with experience in the sector or in project management can offer soft skills training or consultation services to young professionals or small businesses looking to break into the industry.

  • How It Works: On weekends or evenings, offer short courses or workshops in leadership, negotiation, or project management specifically geared towards the energy sector. This could be delivered online or in-person, targeting young professionals or students who want to build careers in oil & gas.

  • Why High Value: With the oil industry booming and creating thousands of job opportunities, people will pay for guidance on how to stand out in a competitive field.

3. Sustainable Building Solutions for New Homeowners

  • Opportunity: With the government allotting land for housing and pushing homeownership, there’s a growing market for affordable, sustainable housing solutions. You can offer services that help new homeowners with small, energy-efficient upgrades.

  • How It Works: Provide consultations or small-scale services like setting up solar panels, rainwater collection systems, or eco-friendly building materials for newly developed homes. This can be done on weekends, helping homeowners make sustainable choices.

  • Why High Value: Sustainability is becoming a key focus in Guyana’s development, and people are willing to invest in energy-saving solutions that reduce long-term costs, especially in an expanding real estate market.

Each of these side hustles aligns with Guyana’s current economic growth, offers flexibility, and taps into high-demand sectors, making them perfect for professionals who want to earn extra income while keeping their day jobs.

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