Monday 26/08/2024 - 🌉New Berbice Bridge In Works

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Today we explore transformative developments in Guyana's infrastructure and legal landscapes, and highlight emerging opportunities for businesses of all sizes.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"Don't look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African

Meaning: Understand the root cause of a problem rather than its symptoms, a crucial strategy for effective problem-solving in business.

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Kurupukari to Lethem Connectivity Boost

Construction on the Kurupukari to Lethem corridor, including 32 concrete bridges, is set to complete its final phase with the Pirara Bridge expected to finish by Christmas this year. This strategic development, costing $410.2 million for the Pirara Bridge alone, aims to significantly improve transportation and accessibility between these regions, facilitating smoother travel and boosting local economies. The project, outlined by Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill, is part of a broader government initiative to enhance hinterland connectivity and support regional development. This infrastructure advancement is expected to strengthen the economic integration of hinterland communities, potentially opening new business opportunities and improving logistics for companies operating in or with the hinterland regions.

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New Berbice River Bridge Announcement

President Dr. Irfaan Ali has announced plans for a new Berbice River Bridge, mirroring the modern design of the Demerara Harbour Crossing. Set to replace the existing floating bridge constructed in 2008, this project is a part of a comprehensive development strategy aimed at supporting the burgeoning economic activities in Region Six, including a gas project and an industrial park. The government's push for modern infrastructure reflects a strategic move to enhance regional connectivity, economic competitiveness, and transportation efficiency. This development not only promises to facilitate the rapid economic expansion in the area but also plans to enhance the overall competitiveness and cost of transportation for businesses and commuters alike.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

For Small Enterprises

  1. Construction and Maintenance Services:

    • Opportunity: With the ongoing and upcoming infrastructure projects like the Kurupukari to Lethem corridor and Linden-Mabura road upgrade, there's a high demand for local subcontractors to provide supportive construction and maintenance services.

    • Notes: Small enterprises can capitalize on this by offering specialized services such as electrical installations, plumbing, and road maintenance, or supplying raw materials like sand and gravel.

  2. Tourism and Hospitality:

    • Opportunity: The emphasis on enhanced connectivity through infrastructure projects could lead to increased tourism activities in hinterland areas.

    • Notes: Small businesses can venture into eco-tourism, offering guided tours, accommodation, and local cuisine to tourists. Additionally, creating experiences around the construction sites, like observation decks or informational tours, could attract niche tourism interests.

For Medium Enterprises

  1. Legal and Consultancy Services:

    • Opportunity: The hosting of workshops on international arbitration underscores a growing need for sophisticated legal services in Guyana.

    • Notes: Medium-sized legal firms could develop specialized departments focusing on international arbitration, helping local businesses navigate disputes, and understanding new legislative frameworks. Offering workshops and training sessions can also be a lucrative avenue.

  2. Educational Programs:

    • Opportunity: With developments like the Gas-to-Energy project and its emphasis on youth engagement, there is potential for educational programs tailored to energy, environmental management, and engineering.

    • Notes: Medium enterprises could collaborate with educational institutions to offer certification courses, apprenticeships, and workshops that prepare the youth for careers in these burgeoning sectors.

For Large Enterprises

  1. Infrastructure Development:

    • Opportunity: Large-scale projects like the Linden to Mabura Hill Road and the new Berbice River Bridge offer significant opportunities for large enterprises in construction, engineering, and project management.

    • Notes: These projects require heavy machinery, advanced engineering capabilities, and robust project management skills, positioning well-established firms to bid for substantial contracts.

  2. Energy and Utilities:

    • Opportunity: The Gas-to-Energy project is not only a massive engineering undertaking but also a catalyst for numerous ancillary industries.

    • Notes: Large enterprises could explore opportunities in building ancillary facilities like NGL plants, setting up operations for the maintenance of these facilities, or even investing in research and development for renewable integration with gas-powered facilities.

Cross-Sector Opportunities

  • Supply Chain and Logistics:

    • All sizes of businesses can benefit from the enhanced infrastructure by offering logistics solutions, such as transportation services, warehousing, and supply chain management software, especially in regions becoming more accessible due to improved road networks.

  • Digital Solutions:

    • Businesses across the board could leverage digital technologies to provide solutions tailored to the growing infrastructure and legal needs. This includes developing apps or platforms for construction management, legal arbitration cases management, or virtual tours for tourism.

  • Environmental Consulting:

    • With the expected impact on the environment from various large-scale projects, there's a growing need for environmental impact assessments, monitoring, and consulting services. Businesses capable of providing these services can find opportunities across all sectors.


The blend of infrastructure, legal frameworks, and energy sector developments reported today opens a wide array of opportunities for businesses at all scales. Small enterprises can find niches in localized services, medium enterprises can bridge gaps with specialized offerings, and large enterprises can lead substantial projects with wide-reaching impacts. Exploring these opportunities requires a proactive approach, with a keen eye on sustainable practices and partnerships with government and communities to ensure long-term viability and support.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Infrastructure Project Support Services

  • Opportunity: With major projects like the Kurupukari to Lethem corridor and Linden-Mabura road construction, there's a continuous demand for ancillary services.

  • Side Hustle Idea: Start a mobile service business that caters to the needs of construction workers and engineers on these sites. This could include mobile food services, laundry services, or even a portable tool rental service.

  • Rationale: These workers are often stationed far from urban comforts, and providing on-site essentials would not only be convenient but also lucrative, given the ongoing nature of such projects.

2. Legal and Arbitration Advisory

  • Opportunity: With the introduction of the new Arbitration Act 2024 and ongoing workshops to educate professionals, there is a growing need for expertise in this area.

  • Side Hustle Idea: If you have a background in law or a related field, offering consultancy services in international arbitration or even local legal nuances could be extremely profitable. This can also extend to conducting workshops or private tutoring for professionals looking to upskill.

  • Rationale: As businesses expand and international investments increase, the complexity of contracts and potential for disputes grow. Providing specialized advice or training can fill a critical market gap.

3. Eco-Tourism Experiences

  • Opportunity: Infrastructure improvements will make previously hard-to-reach areas more accessible. Coupled with an increasing global interest in eco-tourism, this is an area ripe for development.

  • Side Hustle Idea: Create unique eco-tourism experiences that capitalize on the new accessibility of hinterland areas. This could involve guided tours, cultural experiences with local communities, or wildlife photography tours.

  • Rationale: With the development of roads and bridges, areas that were previously difficult to access will become new attractions. Providing guided experiences not only promotes tourism but also educates visitors about local conservation efforts and cultural heritage.

Notes on Implementation

  • Market Research: Before starting, conduct thorough research to identify the specific needs and gaps in the current market. Tailor your services to meet those specific demands.

  • Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses and communities to enhance your service offerings. For example, partnering with local food producers for the mobile service business or with indigenous communities for eco-tourism.

  • Sustainability: Consider the environmental and social impacts of your side hustle. Aim for sustainable practices that contribute positively to the community and environment.

  • Marketing: Leverage social media and local advertising to reach your target audience. Effective marketing can make a significant difference in the success of your side hustle.

These side hustles not only align with the current economic and infrastructural development in Guyana but also offer scalable opportunities that can grow as the side hustler's capacity increases. They provide a valuable service or product while capitalizing on the burgeoning economic landscape of the country.


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