Monday 23/09/2024 - ⚠️G2E Plant Delayed

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Today we delve into Guyana's dynamic business landscape—from major infrastructure and energy projects progressing despite delays, to legal developments and emerging opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"He who does not advance goes backward." - Italian

Meaning: Stagnation in business can lead to regression, stressing the need for continual improvement and growth.

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Gas-to-Energy Project Faces Delays but Remains on Track for 2025 Completion

Despite delays in key components, Guyana's ambitious Gas-to-Energy (GtE) Project remains on schedule for completion in the second half of 2025, according to Project Lead Winston Brassington. Civil works faced setbacks due to extended site preparation and design finalizations, but Brassington confirmed that parties have agreed on a revised timeline.

The US$2 billion project includes constructing a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and a 300-megawatt power plant at Wales, West Bank Demerara, along with laying 250 kilometers of pipelines, installing transmission lines, and building a new control center. ExxonMobil, responsible for the pipeline, is reportedly on schedule, with completion expected by the fourth quarter. Brassington assured that, despite delays, the project remains within budget and is poised to significantly enhance Guyana's energy landscape upon completion.

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US Telecom Giant Faces US$1.3M Lawsuit Over Alleged Copyright Infringement

US-based singer Jackie Jaxx (Jackie Hanover) and fellow artist D'Ivan (Ivan Harry) have filed a US$1.3 million lawsuit against One Communications (Guyana) Inc. and singer NEKEITA (Tennicia De Freitas) for alleged copyright infringement. The lawsuit, filed in the United States, claims that One Communications used their songs "Guyana" and "Oh Guyana" without permission during the company's rebranding campaign.

The artists allege that One Communications and NEKEITA performed, broadcasted, and commercially exploited their compositions without obtaining necessary licenses, gaining significant economic benefits in the process. They are seeking at least US$300,000 for unauthorized use, US$1 million in punitive damages for willful and malicious conduct, and compensation for legal expenses. Efforts to resolve the dispute amicably reportedly failed, prompting the legal action.

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Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

1. Construction and Infrastructure Expansion

News Reference: Construction of delayed US$75.8M Good Success-to-Timehri Road to commence mid-October


For Small Enterprises (SEs):

  • Supply of Construction Materials and Services: Local suppliers can provide materials like sand, gravel, cement, and offer services such as equipment rentals, catering, security, and transportation for workers.

  • Subcontracting: Small construction firms can bid for subcontracting roles in landscaping, signage installation, drainage, and minor roadworks.

For Medium Enterprises (MEs):

  • Specialized Construction Services: Companies with expertise in bridge construction, road surfacing, and culvert installations can participate directly in the project.

  • Equipment Leasing: Leasing heavy machinery like excavators, bulldozers, and cranes to the main contractor.

  • Waste Management: Offering services for the disposal and recycling of construction waste materials.

For Large Enterprises (LEs):

  • Primary Contracting and Joint Ventures: Engaging as main contractors or forming joint ventures with China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) to execute significant portions of the project.

  • Infrastructure Investment: Investing in complementary infrastructure projects, such as building rest stops, service stations, or commercial developments along the new road.

  • Technological Solutions: Implementing advanced construction technologies like drone surveying, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and IoT devices for efficient project management.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Local Engagement: Emphasize hiring local labor and sourcing materials locally to meet any local content requirements and foster community goodwill.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to environmental and construction regulations to avoid project delays or penalties.

  • Sustainability: Incorporate eco-friendly materials and practices to align with global sustainability trends, which can also be a unique selling point.

2. Energy Sector Growth

News References:

  • Mahdia to get new generator to end electricity woes – PM Phillips

  • Gas-to-Energy Project faces delays but remains on track for 2025 completion


For Small Enterprises (SEs):

  • Electrical Services: Providing installation, repair, and maintenance services for homes and businesses as electricity becomes more reliable.

  • Renewable Energy Solutions: Selling and installing solar panels, batteries, and off-grid energy solutions, especially in remote or underserved areas.

  • Energy-Efficient Products: Retailing energy-efficient appliances and lighting solutions to consumers aiming to reduce electricity costs.

For Medium Enterprises (MEs):

  • Energy Consultancy: Advising businesses and governmental bodies on energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and regulatory compliance.

  • Training and Certification Programs: Offering vocational training for electricians, technicians, and engineers specializing in new energy technologies.

  • Distribution and Grid Services: Developing localized grid solutions or enhancing existing distribution networks to improve electricity delivery.

For Large Enterprises (LEs):

  • Investment in Energy Infrastructure: Participating in large-scale projects like the Gas-to-Energy initiative, possibly through public-private partnerships.

  • Renewable Energy Projects: Investing in or developing solar farms, wind energy installations, or hydroelectric projects to diversify the energy mix.

  • Manufacturing: Establishing facilities to manufacture energy equipment locally, reducing import costs and creating jobs.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Government Incentives: Explore potential tax breaks, subsidies, or incentives offered by the government for renewable energy projects or local manufacturing.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with international energy firms for technology transfer, expertise sharing, and joint ventures.

  • Market Demand: Anticipate increased demand for energy-related products and services, positioning businesses to meet this growing market.

3. Oil and Gas Industry Opportunities

News Reference: Government repossesses Canje Block – VP Jagdeo


For Small Enterprises (SEs):

  • Local Content Provision: Supplying goods and services such as catering, transportation, lodging, and equipment maintenance to larger oil companies entering the market.

  • Training Programs: Offering courses and certifications to prepare the local workforce for employment opportunities in the oil and gas sector.

For Medium Enterprises (MEs):

  • Technical and Support Services: Providing specialized services including environmental assessments, logistics support, health and safety consulting, and equipment leasing.

  • Compliance and Regulatory Consulting: Assisting new entrants with understanding and adhering to Guyana's regulatory framework and local content laws.

For Large Enterprises (LEs):

  • Exploration and Production Activities: Bidding for the newly available Canje oil block or forming strategic alliances with international firms to explore and develop resources.

  • Infrastructure Development: Investing in necessary infrastructure such as drilling rigs, pipelines, storage facilities, and refineries to support upstream and downstream activities.

  • Downstream Opportunities: Engaging in the processing of oil and gas into petrochemicals, fuels, and other value-added products.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Regulatory Awareness: Stay informed about upcoming auctions, licensing rounds, and changes in the regulatory environment to capitalize on new opportunities promptly.

  • Environmental Responsibility: Implement best practices for environmental protection to meet international standards and community expectations.

  • Local Partnerships: Form partnerships with local businesses to meet local content requirements, enhance community relations, and ensure smoother operations.


These top three developments present significant opportunities for enterprises of all sizes in Guyana. By strategically positioning themselves and leveraging their capabilities, businesses can capitalize on the growth in construction, energy, and the oil and gas sectors.

Next Steps for Businesses:

  1. Market Research: Conduct thorough research to understand specific opportunities, requirements, and competitive landscapes in these sectors.

  2. Networking: Engage with industry associations, government agencies, and potential partners to stay informed and build strategic relationships.

  3. Capability Building: Invest in enhancing skills, technologies, and resources to meet the demands of these sectors effectively.

  4. Proposal Preparation: Prepare proposals or bids where applicable, ensuring compliance with all regulatory and tender requirements.

  5. Sustainability Planning: Incorporate sustainable practices and consider the environmental and social impacts of business operations.

By focusing on these areas, businesses can not only drive their growth but also contribute significantly to Guyana's economic development.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Transportation Services for Project Workers

Opportunity Overview:

With the commencement of the US$75.8 million road construction project from Good Success to Timehri and ongoing energy projects like the Gas-to-Energy initiative, there's a significant influx of workers needing reliable transportation. Professionals with personal vehicles can offer transportation services during their off-hours.

How to Execute:

  • Carpooling: Organize carpools for construction and energy sector workers commuting to project sites. This can be scheduled before or after your work hours.

  • Shuttle Services: Provide morning and evening shuttle services from key residential areas to project sites.

  • Ride-Hailing Partnerships: Register with local ride-hailing apps (if available) or offer services through community groups and social media platforms.


  • High Demand: Steady need for transportation among workers who may not have personal vehicles.

  • Flexible Schedule: Ability to choose hours that don't conflict with your primary job.

  • Low Overhead: Utilize your existing vehicle with minimal additional costs.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Licensing and Regulations: Ensure compliance with any local transportation regulations or licensing requirements.

  • Safety Measures: Maintain your vehicle well and adhere to safety protocols to build trust and reliability.

  • Networking: This side hustle can also expand your professional network within growing industries.

2. Mobile Food and Beverage Services

Opportunity Overview:

The concentration of workers at construction sites and energy projects creates a ripe market for convenient food and beverage options. Offering mobile catering services can meet this demand, especially in areas where food outlets are scarce.

How to Execute:

  • Meal Prep and Delivery: Prepare meals at home and deliver them to workers during lunch breaks.

  • Mobile Snack Stands: Set up a portable stand near project sites offering snacks, beverages, and quick bites.

  • Pre-Order System: Use WhatsApp or social media to take pre-orders, minimizing waste and ensuring efficiency.


  • High Profit Margins: Food and beverages often have good markups, especially when catering to a captive audience.

  • Scalable Effort: Start small and adjust quantities based on demand and your capacity.

  • Community Engagement: Provides an opportunity to engage with the local community and gain repeat customers.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Food Safety Compliance: Adhere to food safety standards to ensure quality and avoid any health issues.

  • Unique Offerings: Consider offering local favorites or healthy options to differentiate yourself.

  • Time Management: Focus on meal times that fit outside your work schedule, like early mornings or weekends.

3. Short-Term Accommodation Services

Opportunity Overview:

As Guyana's economy expands, there's an increased influx of domestic and international workers, consultants, and business travelers who need accommodation. Renting out spare rooms or properties can be a lucrative side hustle.

How to Execute:

  • Rent Spare Rooms: Offer available rooms in your home for short-term stays via platforms like Airbnb or local equivalents.

  • Property Management: If you have an unused property, furnish it modestly and list it for short-term rentals.

  • Hosting Services: Provide additional services like local guidance or meals to enhance the guest experience.


  • Steady Income: Consistent demand can lead to reliable extra income.

  • Asset Utilization: Monetize existing space without significant additional investment.

  • Cultural Exchange: Opportunity to meet new people and expand your horizons.

Notes and Thoughts:

  • Regulatory Awareness: Check any local regulations regarding short-term rentals to ensure compliance.

  • Security Measures: Implement safety protocols for both you and your guests, such as secure locks and guest vetting.

  • Hospitality Quality: Good reviews can significantly impact your success, so focus on cleanliness and excellent service.


These side hustle ideas are designed to leverage the current economic developments in Guyana, offering practical ways for employed individuals to increase their income. Each opportunity aligns with today's news and provides a high-value proposition without requiring a full-time commitment.

Next Steps:

  1. Assess Your Resources: Determine which idea aligns best with your assets, skills, and available time.

  2. Market Research: Spend some time understanding the specific needs in your area and potential competition.

  3. Plan and Budget: Outline a simple business plan, including any initial costs and projected earnings.

  4. Legal Considerations: Ensure you meet any necessary legal or regulatory requirements before starting.

  5. Launch and Promote: Use social media, word of mouth, and local networks to promote your services.

By thoughtfully implementing these side hustles, you can tap into Guyana's growing economy and set the foundation for potential future business expansion.

Remember: Success in a side hustle requires dedication, excellent service, and adaptability. Stay informed about industry trends and be prepared to adjust your approach as the market evolves.


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