Monday 1/07/2024 - 🇬🇾Carbon Credits For Airlines ✈️

⏱️ 5 - 6 minute read

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Today we delve into Guyana's ground-breaking engagement in the global carbon credit market and other key developments that are shaping the nation's economic landscape.

Here’s what you can expect:

Today's Proverb: 

"When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey." - Arabian

Meaning: When delivering hard truths, do it kindly to make it more acceptable, advice for tactful communication in business.

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Guyana's Initiative to Engage Airlines in Carbon Credit Sales

Guyana has embarked on a significant environmental initiative by engaging airlines in the sale of its high-quality carbon credits, as part of the CORSIA scheme—an effort by the UN to mitigate the carbon footprint of international aviation. President Dr. Irfaan Ali announced the commencement of commercial discussions, positioning Guyana as a key player in the carbon market. This follows Guyana's distinction as the first country to implement a Paris Agreement corresponding adjustment for carbon credits under ART TREES, a framework ensuring that credits are credible and effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The involvement with CORSIA highlights Guyana's proactive role in global environmental efforts, with significant economic implications for the nation.

*AI generated artistic representation of the article

Works on Water Treatment Plant to Enhance Quality of Life

Progress continues on the Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant in Region Two, which at a cost of $1.18 billion, is set to significantly improve water quality for over 20,000 residents from Taymouth Manor to Supenaam. Currently 70-80% complete and expected to finish by December, the plant aims to remove iron content from water, ensuring safer and cleaner drinking water. This development is part of a broader government effort to enhance infrastructure and public utilities, reflecting a commitment to improving living standards and public health in the region.

*AI generated artistic representation of the article

Business Opportunities Based On Today’s Developments

1. Carbon Credit Trading and Environmental Initiatives

Opportunities for Small Enterprises:

  • Consulting services for local businesses to understand and engage in carbon trading.

  • Development of eco-friendly products or services that can benefit from carbon credit incentives.

Opportunities for Medium Enterprises:

  • Partnership with government agencies or international bodies to facilitate carbon credit transactions.

  • Investment in technologies that help reduce carbon footprints for small and large businesses, leveraging Guyana's push towards CORSIA compliance.

Opportunities for Large Enterprises:

  • Large-scale investment in forest conservation projects that generate carbon credits.

  • Development of comprehensive platforms for trading carbon credits, providing analytics and brokerage services.

Notes: With Guyana engaging in carbon credit sales to airlines under CORSIA, there's a growing market for services and products that align with environmental sustainability. Businesses at all levels can leverage this by either directly participating in carbon trading or offering supportive services and technologies.

2. Infrastructure Development: Water Treatment Plant

Opportunities for Small Enterprises:

  • Supply of materials and small-scale services for ongoing construction and maintenance of water facilities.

  • Training services for local workers on equipment maintenance and operations.

Opportunities for Medium Enterprises:

  • Engineering and project management services specific to water treatment and infrastructure.

  • Local manufacturing of components and systems used in water treatment processes.

Opportunities for Large Enterprises:

  • Major contracting opportunities for the construction and operation of water treatment facilities.

  • Investment in R&D for innovative water treatment technologies to be implemented in future projects.

Notes: The construction of the Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant highlights the need for both infrastructure development and the sustainable management of resources. Businesses can benefit by providing related services, manufacturing, and maintenance operations.

3. Economic Growth and Government Incentives

Opportunities for Small Enterprises:

  • Businesses can leverage government grants and fiscal incentives to launch or expand services, particularly in sectors highlighted by government spending such as education and health.

  • Startups focused on educational technology and health tech solutions can benefit from increased government focus and funding in these areas.

Opportunities for Medium Enterprises:

  • Medium-sized businesses can seek partnerships for government contracts in infrastructure, health, and education sectors, utilizing increased budget allocations.

  • Expansion into new markets or segments made viable by increased disposable income among the populace.

Opportunities for Large Enterprises:

  • Large firms can invest in major infrastructural projects backed by government spending.

  • Development of large-scale housing projects or commercial developments in response to the economic uplift and increasing consumer spending power.

Notes: With substantial increases in disposable income through government initiatives, all levels of businesses can find opportunities in catering to an economically empowered consumer base. Additionally, businesses can align with government priorities to secure contracts and funding.

Overall Strategic Thoughts:

  • Environmental Sustainability: There is a clear trend towards environmental sustainability and climate action, which presents numerous opportunities across all business sizes for innovation and market entry.

  • Infrastructure Development: Ongoing and future infrastructure projects not only require direct services such as construction but also ancillary services including maintenance, training, and technology provision.

  • Economic Empowerment: The increase in disposable income through government measures suggests a market ready for new investments in consumer goods, services, and housing, benefiting businesses prepared to expand or diversify their offerings.

By positioning themselves in these growing sectors and aligning with government and international initiatives, businesses can capitalize on these emerging opportunities to drive growth and development.

Side Hustle Ideas Based On Today’s Developments

1. Eco-Tourism Experience Host

Description: Leverage Guyana's natural beauty and the increasing global interest in eco-friendly travel by hosting unique eco-tourism experiences. This could involve organizing guided tours, bird-watching excursions, or eco-adventures that highlight Guyana’s diverse ecosystems.

Opportunity: With Guyana’s commitment to carbon credit initiatives and environmental sustainability, there’s growing international attention on its ecological assets. Hosting eco-tourism experiences taps into the increasing influx of environmentally conscious travelers and researchers interested in the region’s biodiversity.


  • Obtain necessary permits and training on local wildlife and environmental conservation.

  • Use platforms like Airbnb Experiences to market these tours.

  • Partner with local conservation groups to ensure experiences are sustainable and informative.

2. Water Quality Testing and Consultation

Description: Given the significant investments in water infrastructure, like the Onderneeming Water Treatment Plant, there is likely to be an increased focus on water quality. Providing water quality testing and consultation services for households, small businesses, and local contractors could fill a niche market.

Opportunity: New water infrastructure increases the need for regular testing to ensure water meets health and safety standards. There’s potential for ongoing contracts or consultation gigs with local government and private entities to ensure compliance and safety.


  • Acquire certification in water quality testing and relevant environmental health standards.

  • Market services to households, especially in regions newly accessing treated water.

  • Offer subscription-based services for regular testing and consultation.

3. Carbon Credit Consultant

Description: As Guyana embarks on selling carbon credits to international entities like airlines, there’s a budding opportunity for knowledgeable consultants who can navigate the complexities of carbon markets for local businesses and landowners.

Opportunity: Local enterprises and landowners may be eligible to generate their own carbon credits but lack the expertise to navigate the regulatory and market environments. As a consultant, you could assist in qualifying projects for carbon credits, managing sales, and ensuring compliance with international standards.


  • Gain a thorough understanding of both local and international carbon credit regulations.

  • Develop partnerships with environmental agencies and legal experts.

  • Offer services that help clients monetize conservation efforts, potentially aligning with global initiatives like CORSIA.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Scalability: Each of these ideas offers the potential for scaling up as the entrepreneur gains more expertise and client base.

  • Sustainability: Aligning side hustles with environmental sustainability not only capitalizes on current trends but also contributes to the broader global effort against climate change, enhancing the appeal to an international audience.

  • Networking: Success in these areas often depends on strong local and international networks. Regular participation in workshops, seminars, and environmental groups can provide valuable connections and up-to-date information.

These side hustles offer a blend of local engagement with potential for global reach, tapping into both Guyana's rich natural resources and its burgeoning economic sectors.


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